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Occupations of Iowa
Residents Recorded in
Census of 1850 - 1860


Census Index

Occupations of Iowa Residents
Recorded in Census of 1850 - 1860

Occupation 1850 1860
Agents 4 290
Agricultural Implement Makers 23 4
Apothecaries and Druggists 50 xx
Apprentices xx 523
Architects xx 24
Artists 4 69
Auctioneers 3 25
Auger-makers xx 2
Bakers 47 214
Bank Officers xx 21
Bankers 3 147
Barbers 20 117
Barkeepers 3 65
Basket-makers 3 31
Bellhangers and Locksmiths 3 xx
Black and White Smiths 840 xx
Blacksmiths xx 2,609
Blind-makers xx 4
Block and Pump Makers 3 xx
Boarding-house Keepers 3 103
Boat-builders 2 8
Boatmen 150 164
Boiler-makers xx 11
Boneblack-makers xx 24
Bookbinders xx 35
Booksellers 2 24
Box-makers xx 2
Brass-founders xx 2
Brewers 26 196
Bricklayers xx 365
Brick-makers 96 352
Bridge-builders xx 6
Brokers 6 48
Broom-makers 13 30
Brush-makers xx 10
Builders xx 50
Butchers 77 376
Button-makers xx 3
Cabinet and Chair Makers 376 xx
Cabinet-makers xx 711
Calkers xx 16
Car-builders xx 3
Carpenters 1,871 6,526
Carpet-makers xx 5
Carriers xx 75
Carters 19 75
Carvers xx 4
Cattle Dealers xx 5
Chair-makers xx 158
Chandlers 9 32
Chemists 1 2
Cigar-makers xx 61
City, county and town officers 63 xx
Civil and Mechanical Engineers xx 547
Civil Engineers 4 xx
Clergymen 248 1,208
Clerks 452 2,082
Clock-makers 2 5
Cloth Manufacturers 1 xx
Clothiers 12 41
Coach-makers 31 136
Coffee-mill Manufacturers xx 1
Collectors xx 20
Colliers 3 87
Commission Merchants xx 22
Commissioners xx 2
Composition-workers xx 15
Contractors 5 56
Conveyancers xx 2
Coopers 603 807
Coppersmiths 9 8
Cord Makers 13 xx
Cordwainers 455 xx
Cuppers xx 9
Curriers xx 10
Cutlers 2 xx
Daguerreotypists 4 74
Dairymen 4 33
Dealers 2 166
Dentists 10 76
Distillers 10 38
Domestics xx 358
Draughtsmen xx 3
Drivers 76 359
Drovers xx 35
Druggists xx 237
Dyers 4 26
Editors 9 107
Engineers 53 xx
Engravers xx 22
Expressmen xx 30
Factory Hands xx 7
Farm Laborers xx 27,196
Farmers 32,716 88,628
Farriers 5 18
Ferrymen xx 4
Firemen xx 3
Fishermen xx 53
Florists xx 6
Flour Dealers xx 8
Foundrymen 14 47
Fruiterers xx 8
Furnacemen xx 2
Furniture Dealers xx 4
Furriers xx 2
Gardeners an d Florists 51 xx
Gardeners and Nurserymen xx 276
Gas-fitters xx 10
Gas-makers xx 2
Gate-keepers xx 7
Gilders xx 3
Glass Manufacturers xx 4
Glaziers xx 4
Glovers 2 3
Gold and Silver Smiths 9 xx
Goldsmiths xx 3
Grocers 129 710
Gunsmiths 53 118
Harness-makers xx 292
Hat and Cap Manufacturers 13 xx
Hatters xx 29
Horse Dealers xx 5
Horticulturists xx 3
Housekeepers xx 157
Hucksters xx 20
Hunters 7 19
Ice Dealers 7 19
Ink Manufacturers 5 xx
Innkeepers 110 595
Insurance Officers xx 5
Iron-founders xx 2
Ironmongers xx 15
Iron-workers 2 21
Jewelers 4 142
Joiners 82 75
Judges xx 19
Laborers 5,007 15,699
Laundresses xx 349
Lawyers 272 1,161
Lightning-rod Makers xx 3
Lime-burners 5 28
Linseed Oil Manufacturers xx 2
Livery-stable Keepers 15 103
Locksmiths xx 8
Lumbermen 32 227
Machinists 36 292
Mantua-makers xx 183
Manufacturers xx 76
Manufacturers Not Specified 42 xx
Mariners xx 11
Masons and Plasterers 561 xx
Masons (stone and brick) xx 1,205
Match-makers xx 8
Mechanics xx 68
Mechanics Not Specified 43 xx
Merchants 835 2,640
Midwives xx 5
Milkmen xx 133
Millers 296 1,064
Milliners xx 391
Millwrights 153 302
Miners 359 583
Model Makers xx 82
Moulders 3 60
Mould-makers xx 8
Music Teachers 9 56
Musicians 3 61
Nail Manufacturers xx 3
Newsmen xx 7
Notaries Public xx 2
Nurserymen 5 xx
Nurses xx 29
Oculists xx 4
Officers (Public) xx 554
Oil-makers xx 2
Ostlers 6 84
Overseers xx 18
Packers 9 11
Painters xx 510
Painters and Glaziers 94 xx
Paper Dealers xx 55
Paper Manufacturers xx 9
Paper-hangers xx 7
Pattern-makers xx 12
Peddlers 22 138
Photographers xx 2
Physicians 542 1,439
Piano-forte Makers xx 2
Pilots 13 55
Plasterers xx 539
Plough-makers 2 36
Plumbers xx 3
Pork Dealers xx 3
Porters xx 17
Potters 31 103
Powder Manufacturers xx 3
Printers 97 497
Produce Dealers xx 60
Professors 4 50
Provision Dealers xx 13
Publishers xx 18
Pump-makers xx 13
Quarrymen xx 30
Railroadmen xx 738
Refectory Keepers xx 283
Rope-makers 5 12
Saddle and Harness Makers 136 xx
Saddlers xx 235
Sail Makers 2 xx
Saloon Keepers xx 133
Sash-makers xx 30
Sawyers 87 398
Sculptors 1 6
Seamstresses xx 820
Servants 10 6,137
Sextons 3 16
Shepherds xx 6
Shingle-makers 7 58
Ship-carpenters 9 12
Shoebinders xx 3
Shoemakers xx 1,928
Showmen xx 5
Silversmiths xx 36
Sisters of Charity xx 11
Sisters of Mercy xx 50
Smelters 8 xx
Soap-makers xx 22
Soda-makers xx 2
Soldiers 71 xx
Speculators xx 32
Spinners xx 34
Spring-makers xx 2
Stage Proprietors xx 5
Starch Manufacturers xx 2
Steamboatmen xx 69
Steel Manufacturers xx 2
Stock Brokers xx 11
Stone and Marble Cutters 69 295
Storekeepers xx 34
Stove-makers xx 3
Students 68 723
Surgeons 5 13
Surveyors 32 128
Tailoresses xx 110
Tailors 303 809
Tanners xx 70
Tanners and Curriers 29 xx
Teachers 235 3,129
Teamsters 148 1,005
Telegraph Operators 3 58
Tinsmiths 81 326
Tobacconists xx 56
Tobacconists and Cigar Makers 10 xx
Traders 22 143
Trimmers xx 10
Turners 9 21
Undertakers xx 4
United States and State Officers 40 xx
United States Officers xx 166
Upholsterers 2 29
Varnish-makers xx 2
Veterinarians xx 10
Vine Dressers xx 2
Vinegar-makers 2 12
Wagon Makers 19 93
Watch-makers 15 96
Watchmen xx 33
Weavers 32 137
Well Diggers xx 17
Wheelwrights 313 1,013
Whitewashers xx 8
Wine and Liquor Dealers xx 17
Wood Cutters 5 72
Wood Dealers 2 18
Wooden-ware Manufacturers xx 5
Wool Combers and Carders 50 64
Wool Dealers xx 7
Woolen Manufacturers xx 25
Other Occupations and Unknown 40 157
Total 49,315 188,009

Census Index


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